Want to join the Team?
How to apply to work at Caring Professional Service, Inc.
The best way to apply to work at Caring Professional Services, Inc. is to download our APP and create an account. To download our APP visit the Play Store on your Android device or the App Store on your Apple device.
Then open an account on the APP. After opening an account someone from our Human Resource Department will contact you in order to process your application and grant you access to our open jobs.
Thank you for your interest in working for Caring Professional Services.
Caring Professional Services is always seeking qualified field staff in the following Positions:
Registered Nurse (RN)
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
Registered Physical Therapist (PT)
Positions Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA)
Home Health Aide (HHA)
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
Community Liaison
Case Management

How to use the Caring Professional Services Worker’s App
Once you are approved and meet all of the requirements to provide service to our clients and patients you will be granted access to apply for jobs in our APP.
Our APP is designed for the following functions:
- New Applicants – onboarding process
- Open jobs
- General Communications
- General Training
Please refer to this short video to so that you can learn how to use our APP.

Caring Professional Services provides ongoing education to all of its staff on a monthly basis.
- To increase staff knowledge of work-related issues.
- To meet the needs of the patients served.
- To comply with applicable laws and regulations (e.g., OSHA).
- To emphasize safety and infection prevention and control as applicable to each employee’s job responsibilities.
Currently being updated and unavailable to download.
Emergency Plan In-Service - Hurricane Season
During the Hurricane Season all employees of Caring Professional Services are required to attend the Emergency Management office In-Service Training. The following is the in-service handout for those that could not attend the in-service.
Interactive Training
Hand Hygiene Interactive Training CourseThis course and promotional materials review key concepts of hand hygiene and other standard precautions to prevent healthcare-associated infections.
Home Health Aide Agency Compliance In-Service
As part of our yearly compliance and training the following in-service is to provided to our Home Health Aide staff to better serve our clients, patients and the Agency.
Adult Protective Services - Reporting Abuse/Neglect/Exploitation
Everybody in the State of Florida is a mandatory reporter.
How to report
- Victim name, address or location, approximate age, race and sex;
- Physical, mental or behavioral indications that the person is infirm or disabled;
- Signs or indications of harm or injury, including a physical description if possible;
- Relationship of the alleged possible responsible person to the victim. If the relationship is unknown, a report will still be taken if other reporting criteria are met.
- TELEPHONE: (800) 962-2873
- TDD (Telephone Device for the deaf): 1-800-453-5145
- FAX: (800) 914-0004
Telephone reporters will always be told prior to concluding your conversation, whether the information provided has been accepted as a report.
For faxed information, notification will be provided only when additional information is needed to accept a report, or when the report does not fall within the jurisdiction of the Department of Children & Families. Your fax number must be clearly indicated on your report. Although you may request confirmation, you can assume that your report was accepted if you provided your fax number and receive no response from the Hotline.
In-service Presentation:
Download [491.99 KB]
How To Use Assistive Devices In-Service
Caring Professional Services cares about its staff and frequently provides educational materials regarding infection control.
Download [202.59 KB]
Field Staff Documents
Home Health Aide Documents
Documents used by our HHAs in the field:
Our Latest News
Las tres razones principales por las que me falta dinero en mi pago.
Razón # 1 Visitas atrasadas en Axxess Todas las visitas/servicios en la columna de “Past Due” servicios atrasado no se pueden facturar ni pagar hasta
Top three reasons why I am missing money in my pay.
Reason #1 Past Due Items in Axxess All visits/services in the past due column in Axxess Homecare cannot be billed or paid until they are
A todo nuestro personal de campo, Queremos comenzar agradeciéndole el arduo trabajo y los sacrificios que está haciendo para mantener a nuestros pacientes seguros y
Let's get in touch
Our team of professionals is ready to help you
and your family live better.
- 1681 W 37th St #13-14, Hialeah, FL 33012
- info@caringpro.com